TONI LATOUR: More or Less
August 8th, 2009- September 30th, 200
Opening reception Saturday, August 8th, 6-9
August 8th, 2009- September 30th, 200
Opening reception Saturday, August 8th, 6-9
'More or Less' is comprised of two pieces, Red Dot and Top 20. Red Dot is made up of hundreds of red dots, commonly used in commercial galleries to denote the sale of an artwork. This piece examines the economy of exchange that can sometimes dominate the art world, creating markets that are used to determine levels of "success".
In an attempt to expose and disrupt patriarchy in the local art world, Top 20 lists some of the most prominent artists in Vancouver, all of whom are male. Together, these pieces examine the contemporary Canadian art landscape, and consequently, Latour's place in it.

Working in a variety of disciplines, the content of Toni Latour's practice focuses on her identification as an artist and her relationship to various communities. Several projects have incorporated factions of Vancouver's queer community, of which she is a part, in an effort to increase visibility. Other projects have been born from her participation in Canadian art communities, making reference to other artists and her position within the contemporary art landscape.
Using humour as a strategy, much of Toni's work deals with the drives, desires and anxieties bound up in her own art production. Often depicting the carnivalesque quality of the artist/performer, her work seeks to be both deprecatingly funny and poignantly honest. It describes the self and social scrutiny that go hand in hand with keeping up in the fast paced worlds of art. It also depicts many of the coping mechanisms that accompany such scrutiny. Subjects include staying motivated, maintaining appearances and honing survival skills. From pep talks to public posturing, her practice encompasses both the excitement and apprehension that surround contemporary art making today.